In a decision of 26 October 2021 (RG 20/04526), the ICCP applies Rome II to acts of unfair competition resulting from the use by a Polish company of a forbidden product to increase the longetivity of fresh fruit salads sold in France :

« Sur la responsabilité de la société FRUCTOFRESH
Sur la loi applicable
94-Conformément à l’article 6 du Règlement CE n° 864 /2007 sur la loi applicable aux obligations non contractuelles, dit Rome II, qui s’applique dans les situations comportant un conflit de lois, aux obligations non contractuelles relevant de la matière civile et commerciale « la loi applicable à une obligation non contractuelle résultant d’un acte de concurrence déloyale est celle du pays sur le territoire duquel les relations de concurrence ou les intérêts collectifs des consommateurs sont affectés ou susceptibles de l’être. »

95- En l’espèce, les actes de concurrence déloyales allégués concernent le territoire français de telle sorte que le droit français dont l’application est commandée par les dispositions du Règlement précité est en conséquence applicable ce que les parties ne contestent pas ».

Résumé : « A judgment from the Créteil Commercial Court of the 4th February 2020, which rejected the unfair competition claim brought by Déli, a French fresh fruits salad distributor against Fructofresh, a Polish company which distributes the same kind of products in France, was partially overturned by the Paris Court of Appeal.

After ascertaining that French law was applicable to these tort claims, the Court decided, based on the exhibits produced that there were enough serious, precise and concurrent elements that Fructofresh had added in their products, between 2013 and 2016, a preservative forbidden by European regulation which is known as velcorin. This preservative allowed said company to extend the preservation period of fruit salads from 10 to 14 days.

The Court did not acknowledge Bharlev’s liability, another competitor, since there was no evidence of the product’s commercialisation. The Court acknowledged the discontinuance of Déli’s claims against the German distributor Drinkstar which sold the preservative to Fructofresh.

The court forbidden the Polish company to commercialise its products containing the prohibited preservative in France, and granted Déli’s claim for financial compensation which was calculated on the loss of profit during the dereferencing period by its client Pomona, which granted the tender to Fructofresh in 2016 ».

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